To all of our clients, constituents, and community members, HN Insurance Services is dedicated to safety and public knowledge in light of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as Coronavirus)
Precautions that we are recommending to everyone, including our staff, are:
Stay home when you are sick.
Wash your hands often.
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Be mindful of COVID-19 symptoms as outlined by The Center for Disease Control.
Please read below for specific precautions that we are taking for all HN Insurance Services employees.
Notify your manager if you think you may be sick or have a sick family member at home.
Notify your manager if you have been in contact with someone that has a confirmed case of the coronavirus.
Notice Regarding Travel
For the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak, if you travel to an infected area as designated by the CDC, out of an abundance of caution, we ask that you not return to work until you have completed the maximum incubation period of 14 days, (the incubation period determined by the CDC). Please work with your Partner/Manager to determine a post-travel workplan AHEAD of your travel dates. Not all employees are eligible to work from home depending on your agency, office, and role. The normal attendance and leave policies will remain in place. See Employee Handbook for more details. For more information on travel advisories visit the state department website
Remote Work
Again, it is up to the individual agency Partners and Managers to determine if an employee should work from home based on each individual case. Everyone will have remote access to our major agency systems to work from home as necessary. In the event you are absent, or work from home, please be sure to update your out of office and voicemail appropriately.
Again, at HN Insurance Services, your safety and wellbeing is our priority. We do ask that if you have recently traveled to an affected area, or if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19, that you do not visit our office. We would be more than happy to assist you over the phone at 404-943-1899.
We would also like to reiterate that knowledge of the virus and its growth is important. Please be mindful of where you are receiving your information about COVID-19. The CDC’s website, as well as the World Health Organization, are two of the best places to fact check any information you hear or read.
Our thoughts are with everyone at this time, and we remain dedicated to serving you.